+39 329 98 29 752 enjoyabruzzo@gmail.com

Rental Management

Once you own a house you have fixed expens­es every year, every mon­th, even if you are not using it.

Renting your prop­er­ty can provide a good help in man­ag­ing expens­es and at the same time keep­ing the house lived in it helps to keep it in good con­di­tions.
Your income will bal­ance with all costs (tax­es, clean­ing, wash­ing, swim­ming pool and gar­den main­te­nance) and it will leave you an amount that you will chose if and how to spend (com­plete your project, hol­i­days else­where, free hol­i­days in your house, …).

In order to be rentable your house needs to have speci­fic require­ments and I’d be pleased to come and vis­it your place.
Starting your busi­ness, giv­ing you advice, pro­vid­ing nec­es­sary equip­ment and ser­vices, fix­ing the price for rental, pro­mot­ing your prop­er­ty, man­ag­ing your book­ing, man­ag­ing pay­ments, man­ag­ing clean­ing, wash­ing, swim­ming pool and gar­den ser­vices, giv­ing final report…  all the­se ser­vices are pro­vid­ed by EnjoyAbruzzo.

9 years of expe­ri­ence, man­ag­ing in total 7 prop­er­ties (main­ly vil­las with pools) give me full con­fi­dence in what I am doing.

Profound knowl­edge of owner/guests expec­ta­tions and wide expe­ri­ence in this field allow me to guar­an­tee you with a high qual­i­ty ser­vice.

“We have always been so hap­py with every­thing that Mila has done for us. She has sort­ed many prob­lems for us over the years, trans­lat­ed for us and always seem to be around when we have need­ed help of any kind. It is a case of “what are we going to do about this? ”Let’s ask Mila!!! She will know.” Roger and Vivienne H.